April 19, 2008

Overall Female

Yvonne Regan            20:30

Female 15 and Under

Ann Froeschle           22:03
Cassidy Morris          23:46
Aimee Iverson           26:09:56
Casey Greufe            26:09:95
Morgan Lasher           28:07
Mary Kate Fennelly      28:09:14
Ava Ryan                32:23
Hailey Schneden         32:31
Emma Shie               32:32
Tadaisha Thornton       35:52
Whitney Leming          38:33
Ellie Simpson           40:12
Kaylee Taylor           40:12:38
Lily Vela               40:26
K'Breonna Collins       42:28:54
Dabraisia Gray          43:00
Courtney Randall        43:01
Maggie Schilling        44:35

Female 16 - 19

Erica Cavwels           24:19
Laura Siddall           31:42
Lisa Gogel              31:43
Jasnine Randall         42:57

Female 20 - 24

Renee Hildebrandt       22:30
Cara Church             28:54
Erin Thompson           31:30:62
Vanessa Mayer           31:30:87
Emily Bednar            31:59
Jessica Olsen           33:29

Female 25 - 29

Alicia Murphy           26:13
Kristin LeMaitre        28:59
Kristen Shekleton       29:07
Mary Priebe             30:40
Erin Duncan             30:41
Stacy Iverson           33:01

Female 30 - 34

Michelle Eagles         22:17
Latoya Pegues-Phillips  43:10

Female 35 - 39

Rosa Rangel             25:40
Jennifer Ferguson       37:19
Marlene DeLong          40:52
Angie Velazquez         42:27

Female 40 - 44

Meg Halligan            28:57
Chris Sanderson         42:53

Female 45 - 49

Surah Richman           22:28
Sara Ryan               25:07
Deb Talbot              26:23
Cyndie Hoker            26:45
Ursula Waibel           37:04

Female 50 - 54

Barb Arland-Fye         21:55
Becky Stender           29:13

Female 55 - 59

Kathy Schmitt           21:50
Kathy Loomis            25:40
Evie Plambeck           29:32
Patricia Craig          37:14
Lynn Leming             45:03

Female 60 -64

Penny Danielson         26:58
Janet Carlton           44:14:63

Female 65 - 69

Judie Gulley            27:01
Jan Gustafson           29:10
Judy Teeple             43:39

Female 70 and Over

Mabel Velge             44:14:22

Overall Male

Josh Long               16:42

Male 15 and Under

D.J.Gray                19:56
Miguel Espinoza         22:22
Geoffrey Devore         23:53
Adam Betts              28:09:51
Ahmad Eveland-Gause     38:02
Keontay Taylor          38:18
Kaiden Phillips         38:58
Keshawn Pegues          43:59

Male 16 - 19

Stephen Martin          20:19:68
Chas Beaulieu           35:57:03

Male 20 - 24

Greg Bunch              24:13
Taylor Thomas           26:46

Male 25 - 29

Bryan Huebsch           20:39
Scott Berg              22:52
Kevin Palmer            24:06

Male 30 - 34

Tim Doyle               18:13
Duane Sills             19:06
Noah Swanson            20:19:18
Jason Gordon            21:34
Kevin Iverson           28:19

Male 35 - 39

Eric Walsh              16:44
Thomas Fitzpatrick      17:50:63
Joe Fecker              18:45
David Wildharber        22:36
Brian Burke             42:28:23

Male 40 - 44

Cory DeLong             17:50:32
Marvin McMeekan         18:13
Kevin Halligan          19:59

Male 45 - 49

Jerry Waibel            35:57:68

Male 50 - 54

Bob Thompson            19:34
Grant Allison           20:12
Brian Kopf              20:52
Randy Stender           22:21
Ray Thompson            22:31
Paul Ryan               27:43
John Manley-Buser       37:55

Male 55 - 59

Bill Kuhl               20:32
Larry Best              22:25
Jeff Pearce             22:54

Male 60 - 64

Allen Hale              24:39
Don Buscher             28:36
Dennis Helstrom         30:50

Male 65 - 69

David Eidahl            21:10
Richard Ryan            24:03

Male 70 and Over

Fran Riley              25:11
Chet Wildemuth          29:41