Great River Bridge Race - 2004 - Burlington IA

Overall Results by Gender

May 22, 2004
6 Miles


Plc   Names               Location           Runtime
1  Carman White        Mediapolis           43.00.13
2  Anna Myhre          Montrose             43.20.41
3  Lynda Graham Murray Burlington           44.32.86
4  Melanie Neilitz     Burlington           45.04.68
5  Erin Mann           Monmouth             45.09.78
6  Erin Davis          Washinton            46.02.55
7  Kate Wilson         Mt Pleasant          48.29.40
8  Dawn Pulford        Burlington           49.00.58
9  Erica Jackson       W. Burlington        49.01.14
10 Stacy Farr          West Des Moines      49.29.67
11 Ivy Walker          Burlington           49.42.48
12 Tonya Miller        Iowa City            49.50.64
13 Maggie Davie        Donnellson           51.32.49
14 Ann Lehman          Burlington           52.40.17
15 Sue Kibbel          Burlington           52.55.52
16 Jessica Levai-Baird Burlington           53.04.35
17 Amy Heinz           DesMoines            53.31.22
18 Helly Ann Kennedy   Ft Madison           54.49.36
19 Beth McLain         Burlington           55.40.53
20 Stacy Schmidgall    Mediapolis           56.08.23
21 Jenny Doyle         Argyle               56.31.66
22 Nubelinda           Cordts               58.25.13
23 LuAnne Pfeiff       Burlington           59.04.81
24 Melissa Scheeky     Mt Pleasant
25 Cindy Numann        Burlington
26 Janelle Scronce     Springfield
27 Christi Wellman     Burlington
28 Carol Orth          Burlington
29 Kimberly Atlenberg  Loves Park
30 Janice Gibson       Burlington
31 Debra Votaw         West Burlington
32 Dandi Allen         Burlington
33 Tonya Crone         Burlington
34 Kim Hinson          Mediapolis
35 Pam Jackson         Burlington
36 Mary Visel          Galesberg
37 Sonya Roberts       Mt Pleasant
38 Michelle Selby      WestBurlington
39 Michelle Pearson    Burlington
40 Jachie Schaedler    Burlington
41 Dena McCulloch      Burlington
42 Beth Willers        Burlington
43 Brenda Vancil       Oquawka  


1  Charles Sunderlage  Galesburg IL         32.58.54
2  Josh Long           Burlington IA        35.52.16
3  Gregg Skopec        Coralville IA        36.34.97
4  Kevin Brueck        Burlington IA        37.03.42
5  Bob Ensminger       Burlington IA        37.27.90
6  John Carter         West Burlington IA   37.50.37
7  Mario Garcia        Muscatine IA         38.46.81
8  Mike Nelson         Danville IA          38.59.00
9  Augie Escobedo      Burlington IA        39.12.20
10 Zach Beversdorf     Danville IA          40.11.23
11 John Newell         Burlington IA        40.23.21
12 Michael Tometich    Mt Pleasant IA       40.43.36
13 Christopher Kipp    West Burlington IA   41.03.22
14 Ernesto Venzor      West Liberty IA      41.17.16
15 David Moyes         Coralville IA        41.31.93
16 Chad Ward           Ft Madison           41.34.13
17 Eliseo Cerda        West Burlington IA   42.00.13
18 Roger Nevling       Burlington IA        42.12.19
19 Joe VanZant         Burlington IA        42.22.16
20 Mark Spence         Albany               42.33.31
21 Mike Moffitt        Burlington IA        42.35.68
22 Paul James          Stanley              43.01.27
23 Brian Simmons       Fairfield            43.11.06
24 Joe Brokaw          Seaton               43.20.00
25 Frank Bay           Milan                43.43.60
26 Henri Chase         Rockisland IL        44.00.97
27 Kenneth Stanford    Burlington IA        44.05.48
28 Tim Boyle           Burlington IA        44.07.51
29 Eric Link           Springfield          44.10.22
30 Cody Wolfe          Burlington IA        44.26.07
31 Mike Neilitz        Burlington IA        45.09.30
32 Ron Hundt           WestPoint            45.20.64
33 Jacob Mathias       Burlington IA        45.40.50
34 Dwayne Newby        Donnellson           45.50.51
35 Kevin Tripp         WestPoint            45.59.61
36 Michael McFarland   Washington           46.16.42
37 Brian Whalen        Urbandale            46.17.39
38 John Simmons        Macomb               46.20.14
39 Dave Clark          Carthage             46.34.40
40 Eric Boyer          Carthage             47.10.42
41 Jim Ford            Burlington IA        47.10.67
42 Gary Grafft         Marengo              47.15.13
43 Rick Gambrell       Carthage             47.22.76
44 Dacid Wagner        WestBurlington       47.27.50
45 Pat Rogge           Burlington IA        47.36.59
46 Craig Murphy        Burlington IA        47.37.05
47 Jeff White          Mediapolis           47.48.02
48 John Freehan        Mt Pleasant IA       47.59.16
49 Troy Groen          Mt Pleasant IA       48.06.01
50 Matt Trexel         Burlington IA        48.12.48
51 Josh Schneiderman   WestBurlington       48.33.86
52 Rick Carlson        Burlington IA        48.36.38
53 Kevin Eibes         Burlington IA        48.45.15
54 Curt Miller         Iowa City            48.53.83
55 Don Schmidgall      Mediapolis           49.04.41
56 Jack Escoircua      Burlington IA        49.10.84
57 Jeff Ebbing         Burlington IA        49.37.44
58 Jim Tebockhorst     Davenport            50.05.10
59 Kent Young          Ft Madison           50.08.88
60 Randy Jollenberger  Keokuk               50.21.76
61 Thomas Behne        Burlington IA        50.40.42
62 Len Kull            Mt Pleasant IA       50.45.17
63 Fran Riley          Davenport            51.37.84
64 Richard Link        Oquawka              51.53.37
65 Dave Aamondt        Mediapolis           51.58.36
66 David Luers         Burlington IA        52.09.88
67 Dave Tull           Donnellson           52.37.76
68 Rusty Whitaken      Sperry               53.04.48
69 Michael Baird       Burlington IA        53.23.73
70 Wayne Thomson       West Burlington IA   53.33.03
71 Jon Burbridge       Robins               53.43.64
72 Bill Lurmuehler     Carman               54.34.06
73 Jack Bates          Mt Pleasant IA       55.20.73
74 Kent Lowry          Normal               56.26.57
75 Bill Brown          New London           56.45.04
76 John Willis         Burlington IA        57.06.03
77 Rex Beetner         Burlington IA        57.25.39
78 Steven Parker       Burlington IA        57.32.10
79 Dave Bartlett       Ft Madison           57.49.59
80 Tobias Lundsford    Ft Madison           58.05.93
81 Chad McCune         Burlington IA        58.06.34
82 Mike Cameron        WestBurlington       58.29.35
83 Robert Wehrle       New London           58.41.08
84 Jim Altenberg       Loves Park           59.48.05
85 Deckle McLean       Macomb   
86 ?                            
87 Fred Visel          Galesburg IL
88 Jim Dalton          Bettendorf
89 ?                            
90 Ken Ita             Middletown
91 Ray Robinson        Burlington IA
92 Jerry Ahfield       Ft Madison
93 David McArtor       Kalona   
94 Fred Clark          Burlington IA
95 Terry Anderson      Burlington IA
96 Neal Bottger        WestBurlington
97 Harold Schulze      Cedar Rapids
98 Thomas Schniring    Burlington IA

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